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Building Stronger Marketing Leaders for Tomorrow.

We help marketing organizations and business owners build stronger marketing leaders and departments for their businesses. 

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Leadership/Executive Coaching

Jesse is a certified business & executive coach and has coached more than 100's marketing leaders, teams  and businesses.

Marketing Coaching

Jesse offers 25 years of marketing experience in agencies, corporate and small business. He has higher education teaching experience. 

"In a world that's evolving at lightning speed, small business owners and marketing leaders are struggling to keep up. They are drowning in inefficiency, they're tired and overwhelmed. Its time to take action! "
- Jesse J. Frye

Learn More About TheBusinessBlueprint


Improve Team Performance

We help business owners and marketing leaders take control of their marketing function within their organization. Our goal is build stronger, more effective marketing leaders and teams. Ai is impacting marketing more than any part of organizations and we want to prepare marketing leaders for the future. 


Building Stronger Leaders

 We empower new marketing leaders to master the art of powerful leadership. Most new marketing leaders struggle with building effective teams. We help business these leaders find the right balance and guide them to implement sounds marketing strategies, while building strong and effective marketing teams.  


Scaling Marketing Teams

We provide marketing leaders and teams with the strategies and tools needed to improve their overall marketing organization. Our approach helps marketing leaders and teams uncover gaps in their marketing function, structure and frameworks and make the necessary changes to scale for growth. 

Who is our ideal client and how we help them achieve results?

Our coaching is specifically tailored to marketing leaders, marketing teams and business owners seeking to build strong marketing leaders for their organizations. By partnering with TheBusinessBlueprint, you and your team will gain insights and strategies to improve individual leadership skills, marketing team effectiveness. We offer actionable strategies that empower you and your teams to innovate, scale, and achieve unparalleled client satisfaction while also addressing organization, leadership  and marketing issues head on. We have a unique approach to identifying team and organizational issues, getting to the root cause faster and helping you implement solutions in a scalable, repeatable way. 

Service Organizations

We love working with businesses of all types, sizes and shapes, however, we specifically enjoy working with professional-service based businesses. Additionally, as a veteran owned business, we love working with our fellow veterans leaders and business owners.


Want to Improve Marketing Organizational Performance? 

Our founder, Jesse J. Frye conducts a specialized half-day workshop designed to enhance the performance of your marketing organization. These session has three main objectives:

1) Pinpoint critical areas holding your marketing team back.
2) Devise effective solutions to these challenges.
3) Develop a clear, actionable plan for swift implementation.

The workshop focuses on a thorough analysis of your leadership and marketing team efficiency gaps and working together we will brainstorm solutions to incrementally make quick performance improvements.


  • 4-Hour In-Person Problem Solving Workshops to solve your biggest marketing leadership and team issues.

  • Full-Day Problem Solving Workshops with you and/or your team (up to 10 people) onsite at your office. 

  • Templates, Tools and Worksheets to takeaway and put your gameplan into action. 

  • Speaking and Group Engagements: Topics

    These are just a few samples of the topics Jesse speaks and facilitates on around the world.

    Peak Performance

    The biggest barrier to peak professional team performance is poor leadership. We will explore the differences between strong management and strong leadership in your marketing teams.  

    SMART Marketing Teams

    Approximately 70% of business goals are not achieved, and this is usually a result of poor and ineffective leadership. In this session we will explore how to build a SMART team through SMARTER Leadership. 

    Future of Marketing

    Ai is impacting marketing and marketing organizations more than any other place within organizations. This session will explore the future of marketing teams, and how to use Ai to build a stronger marketing organization.

    Have an upcoming marketing team meeting? We can facilitate highly effective team building and growth activities.

    Here's what my clients are saying.

    Hundreds of business owners, leaders and teams from around the world have worked with Jesse Frye.

    "Jesse's out-of-the-box thinking has yielded great benefits with our team. We all loved his facilitated sessions; they were a big hit. His unique perspective is unmatched."

    Pramod S. - CEO

    Atlanta, Georgia

    ''It is not an exaggeration to say that Jesse rescued our marketing organization from impending implosion. He improved our team exponentially."

    Susan B. - Manager

    Omaha, Nebraska

    Meet Jesse J. Frye

    Jesse J. Frye is a prominent thought leader and certified business, executive, productivity and organizational development coach. Jesse has more than 4000 hours of business coaching and has worked with more than 100 businesses over the last three years. Known for his straightforward, transparent communication and innovative insights, Jesse guides audiences and clients through the complexities of overcoming blocks to becoming high performing entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders. 

    Jesse's superpower is his ability to identify issues and problems inside of organizations and creatively develop effective solutions. He has empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs and professionals across the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Canada, India, and Tunisia to leverage cutting-edge methods of individual and organizational performance. These strategies drive increased efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability in their businesses and organizations. 

    A veteran of the United States Coast Guard, Jesse utilizes his diverse experiences and inventive thinking to help entrepreneurs and professionals navigate the digital age, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and success.

  • Entrepreneur, Certified Business & Executive Coach.

  • Startup, Fortune 50, International Experience.

  • 4000+ hours of B2B Coaching Experience.

  • Former College Educator in Business & Marketing

  • Jesse-River-Arts

    Unbeatable Guarantee

    We give you our honest word that, if you give us a chance, you're sure to be given our absolute best work. But If you feel that we fell short in any way, just let us know. We will work for free until we resolve the issue -- no hassle, no questions, no ifs, ands, or buts.

    © Thebusinessblueprint, llc
